
Please do leave your comments on Ukraine here – it would be interesting to hear what yout think.



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  1. David M. Swanson

    As a Vietnam Veteran, 173rd Airborne, now in Latvia, I am 100% behind supporting the Ukraine. These videos, helps take away any thoughts about what is going on over in the Ukraine. I do not watch the news, too depressing, so keep up the good work. Your videos and pictures also really help. I am currently making a layout in the trusses, above my garage, and have gotten a lot of good ideas.
    Dave Swanson

    1. Fred Gevalt

      As a young officer in Charlie Company, 35th Engr Bn., I was driving up Rt QL1 S. Vietnam on the first afternoon of the Tet offensive, when I stumbled across a firefight between the 173rd on one side of the road, and the NVA on the other. Stopped the jeep and watched, under cover. An entire sea of green tracer fire on one side, enmeshed with sheets of red tracer fire from the other.

      Lay there for an hour, clutching my M14. Gunships, Arty, raining down from LZ Uplift. Never had a chance to thank you guys! Cheers, Dave!

  2. Scott McCurdy

    Thanks for posting Daves tribute. Yes we like to escape but we also must remember we are human. Most of us are boomers, children of the remnants after WWII. We remember the Cold War, the scourge that grew over Eastern Europe as the then giants played back and forth in a beautiful region of the world that knows centuries of strife and autocratic domination. We, the North Americans, say we do not want war with Russia sic Putin, but now he is has shown his true colors and desires for the ‘old’ ways. Sorry, he needs to be recycled. And of course history tells us that we are awakening to this reality too late to save the Ukraine-and it’s people who are shedding their blood and displacing their lives. So will we unite to rise against the tyranny risk our sons and daughters or continue to teach them how to ignore and cower in the face of insane rhetoric. No one wants war, but it is being brought to us delivered 24/7 on multiple platforms carefully screened to not show the blood and bodies and only glimpses of the anguish. You decide. Putin has played his opening hand, what’s next and what is his endgame?

  3. A Patterson

    I don’t view this tragedy as being political. It is right vs. wrong; good vs. evil. In my 75 years I have never seen so much of the world united against such a despicable excuse for a human being.

  4. Butch Thornton

    Perhaps the Targets should be the Oleographs who are supporting Poo-Ten! When his “friends” are gone he will be gone….

  5. God be with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters and send His angels to protect them. And may He deal with the hearts of Putin and his minions to stop the brutality now. Zelensky IS the new leader of the free world.

  6. Norman Rosen

    Patterson is correct. This is not a liberal versus conservative issue. This is good versus evil. God Bless Ukraine: no one else will.

  7. David Jones

    Thank you for publishing Dave’s tribute to the brave men and women of the Ukranian Railways. I always enjoy Dave’s videos and if you had not published it I would not have been aware of an excellent model railway video and Dave’s fine tribute to a nation in distress due to the tyrannical behaviour of a particularly odious and despicable human being.

  8. Mr. Ron from So. Mississippi

    I am 87 years old and have seen dictators come and go, from Hitler to the present. All have failed to take over the world. Putin and others may still be in power, but time is not on their side. As it says in the Bible, “the meek shall inherit the earth”. Their time is short. As a member of the meek, I will see a better world. It is prophesized as long as there are good people in the world. There are only a few bad people, but they exercise control over many due to their power and money.

  9. John

    In the 40’s we had Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito and Stalin. We fought a world war to end their regiemes and then spent 50 years in a Cold War. Do we have to do that all over again? It’s good to see such a United front challenging Putin’s attempt to dominate this world. Support the Ukrainian people as they defend their country! Let’s not spend another 50 years living with this dictator.

  10. Patrick

    Why is tis PUTIN allowed to live they should have take him out first opportunity Our great NATO has truly shown its uselessness Next he will have base in Cuba probably after he takes out Finland and Poland As a soldier in the 60’s we were taught decontamination tecniques in the wilds of Scotland the worry then were the Russians. At 86 years of age I don’t want to end my life sucking in gasses or from radiation poising but thats what’s coming in my opinion

  11. DJfromNJ

    Putin, or any of that ilk, should leave war to the warriors and NOT civilians. Targeting civilians and residential domains is cowardly and violates human rights. These monsters will someday meet their Creator, as all of us must, and a life review will commence.

  12. Jack

    I agree with all the comments left here and certainly thank those who commented and those who allow the tribute to Ukrain. I certainly hope Putin is stopped and wish the best to the Ukrainian people. That said, we and other nations are giving Putin the financial ammunition thru our oil purchases to wage war. Switching suppliers to Iran, another adversary, makes no sense to me

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