Kicking a hornet’s nest

My word.

Do you remember, all those years ago, when you tried something in the wonderful naivety of youth, and found something out the hard way?

You know the kind of thing. Seatbelts for example. They are a great idea.

Well, something like that happened to me when I launched this blog.

It’s the nearest thing I have ever got to kicking a hornet’s nest. Carry on reading and you’ll see why.

I got sent hate mail (some jolly rude, some jolly funny and rude. But mainly rude).

I got sent congratulations.

And I got some people spitting feathers, declaring, “Shame on you”.

What did I do? What was my heinous crime?

It was all down to the post I launched this blog with.

To say it had a political undercurrent would be glossing over it. It came out punching. And Donald Trump was in this post’s cross hairs.

And oh how folk rallied.

Some jumped to his defence. Some put the boot in.

I should have known better. I should have launched it with the usual stuff I get sent – funny anecdotes, jokes, mad cap inventions or odd health cures.

But no. I reached for the easiest and nearest thing to me.

And worst of all, folk thought they were my comments. They were not. I just thought I’d be opening up some lively debate.

A short while ago I had a little whinge at how much doom and gloom there was around at the mo, and a chap called Bob sent in a piece.

I didn’t publish it on my other blog because it was just way off topic.

And that’s why I started this one: I get sent lots of stuff I’d love to share, but never have done because it’s off topic.

So I thought I’d start a new blog, for all this crazy off topic stuff.

That’s where the trouble started. I used Bob’s piece as the launch post.

Now let me put in to perspective just how much trouble. Normally, if a post gets around 10 comments, I think it’s done okay.

An exceptional post might get 40ish comments.

But oh dear.

The launch post, featuring Mr Trump, got 108 comments in its first few hours.

Have to say, wasn’t expecting that.

And whilst the hate mail I got was entertaining (I’ve hardened to it over the years), I’m old enough to do without it.

Besides, polarizing you lot was the last thing on my mind. I’d never want that.

This blog is for stuff like this.



PS I deleted the troublesome post.

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